
  • Single-location shoot

  • Simple concept and storyline

  • Basic editing and color grading

  • Up to 3:30 minutes in length

  • Includes one camera operator and basic equipment


  • Multi-location shoot

  • Enhanced concept and storyline

  • Professional editing and color grading

  • Up to 4 minutes in length

  • Includes multiple camera operators and professional equipment

  • Basic visual effects and graphics


  • Multi-location shoot with intricate setups

  • Complex concept and storyline

  • High-end editing and color grading

  • Up to 6 minutes in length

  • Includes multiple camera operators, professional equipment, and additional crew members

  • Advanced visual effects, animation, and graphics


  • Customized production tailored to client’s specific vision and requirements

  • Unlimited locations and setups

  • Elaborate concept and storyline

  • High-end editing, color grading, and post-production

  • Includes full production crew, professional equipment, and top-tier talent

  • Advanced visual effects, animation, and graphics

  • Extended length (over 6 minutes)